
Overall Disclaimer

Gujaratilexicon is an assimilation of lexical resources such as Dictionary, Antonyms, Idioms, Proverbs, Thesaurus, Phrases, Crossword, and QuickQuiz, etc., from various sources enumerated on our Credit page.

The lexical information, words, their meanings, etc., compiled from the above sources has been displayed on Gujaratilexicon on “As It Is” basis. Gujaratilexicon does not express its opinion or views on the correctness of the information thus compiled. The information is provided as originally typed by the authors but corrected only for typographical errors including errors in the field-marks. None of the words or meanings are coined or originally developed by Gujaratilexicon.

Gujaratilexicon does not claim to be a complete and exhaustive work on its contents. There may be different opinions about the words and their meanings, in addition to those displayed on Gujaratilexicon.

The basic object of Gujaratilexicon is to preserve, popularize and develop usage of Gujarati language through the power of information technology.

Gujaratilexicon resources are starting reference points for development of modern online comprehensive encyclopedic dictionary. The efforts of Gujaratilexicon team is to build a large and freely available knowledge base in Gujarati language.

Disclaimer for GL community

The information available on GujaratiLexicon Community section such as Kavita, Jokes, Shayri, Article etc…, compiled by users and has been displayed on GujaratiLexicon on “As It Is” basis. The information is provided as originally typed by the authors / users. GujaratiLexicon does not express its opinion or views on the correctness of the information. GujaratiLexicon has just provide the platform to display the content. None of the content coined or originally developed by GujaratiLexicon.

GujaratiLexicon does not claim to be a complete and exhaustive work on its contents. There may be different opinions about the shared content and their meanings, in addition to those displayed on GujaratiLexicon.

The basic object of GujaratiLexicon is to preserve, popularize and develop usage of Gujarati language through the power of information technology.

GujaratiLexicon resources are starting reference points for development of modern online comprehensive encyclopedic dictionary. The efforts of GujaratiLexicon team is to build a large and freely available knowledge base in Gujarati language.

Interactive Games


ચાની ચૂસકીની લિજ્જત વધારતી આડી ઊભી ચાવીની લોકપ્રિય અને રસપ્રદ રમત એટલે ક્રોસવર્ડ. અહીં તમે તરત જ જવાબ સાચો છે કે ખોટો તે જાણી શકાશે.

Word Match

મગજને કસરત કરાવતી, યાદશક્તિ વધારતી તથા રમત રમતમાં વિરુદ્ધાર્થી કે પર્યાપવાચી શબ્દો શીખવતી રમત એટલે વર્ડ મેચમાં. આ રમતમાં 20 બ્લોક પાછળ 20 શબ્દો છુપાયેલા હશે.

Quick Quiz

મગજને કસરત કરાવતી અને જોડકાં જોડો પદ્ધતિ દ્વારા શબ્દ અને અર્થ કે સમાનાર્થીને જોડતી એક રસપ્રદ રમત એટલે ક્વિક ક્વિઝ.

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